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What is the Arts Ed Data Project?


The Arts Education Data Project, powered by Quadrant Research, is rooted in data reporting efforts dating back to the 1990’s. The year 2004 saw the first release of a statewide report using state department of education data. Today, the Arts Education Data Project is currently working in 31 states to increase arts participation with the goal of providing arts education data to empower citizens in all 50 states.


What kind of data is the Arts Ed Data Project collecting?


Maryland Arts Education Data Project gathers data from MSDE to display in public dashboards to answer the following questions:


  • Which schools provide access to arts education and in what disciplines (Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, Media Arts)?

  • How many students are participating?

  • How many arts teachers are providing instruction?

  • Who has access to arts instruction?

  • Who does not have access to arts instruction?

  • How have the answers to these questions changed over time?


I think I found an error on the site. Who do I contact to address my concern?


Email us at to report potential data issues that you see in dashboards.


There are many steps and people involved with assembling the data, from individual schools, school systems, and the state, that it is possible for errors to be present.


As AEMS continues to investigate the breadth of the data provide on the platform, we have created an erratum to communicate inaccuracies we find to MSDE and Quadrant. Annual updates will be made during subsequent school data uploads to the dashboards.


Why is AEMS hosting the Arts Ed Data Project?


AEMS spearheaded the effort to bring the Arts Education Data Project to Maryland as part of actions taken to fulfill the 2014 recommendations from the Governor's P-20 Leadership Council Taskforce on Arts Education Recommendation B: Establish a comprehensive, statewide data system that collects elementary, middle, and high school data on fine arts instruction. AEMS pays the annual subscription fee for the Maryland Arts Education Data Project.


How do we know the data is accurate?


Quadrant Research receives data directly from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Longitudinal Data Sets (LDS). Each of the local school systems report information to MSDE, which is used to populate the Longitudinal Data Sets.


In order to comply with privacy laws, all of the data is not displayed on the data dashboards.


Here are a few ways in which we are aware the data is less than precise:

  1. To protect students, classes with less than 10 students enrolled in them do not display a precise number of enrolled students.

  2. The numbers of arts educators staffed at each school is NOT a count of certified arts educators, but a count of a teacher of record linked to a specific course that has been reported.


Can I download a report or data spreadsheet from the dashboards


No, but you can view a summary report of statewide arts education data from the most recent school year here.


Click here to read the report.

Share your experience with us!
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the MD Arts Ed Data Project Dashboard.
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfied

Thanks for sharing!


190 W. Ostend St.

Baltimore, MD







EIN: 52-2056349


© 2024 by Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance - AEMS

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